Welcome back

Hello again! it’s been long! A lot of things has happened on these past… 2-3 years? I miss flying and writing. I think I’ll continue writing though (many people encouraged me to continue sharing my now lifestyle, although is not that much interesting as I was working with Emirates).

I’ve tried to reply e-mails and comments, I really apologize for all the late responses. The whole entire 2016 year was me coping with my new lifestyle; back home, married with a newborn. I was sad because I had to resigned Emirates due to my pregnancy. I could had chosen keep living in Dubai but, Who’s going to take care my baby? Nursery is not really an option. My work was not that flexible; What happens when I get a long haul flight? or 2 nights layover? or even the 8 day trip and so forth… Some people really think is that simple until they’re on that exact same position as I was. I rather resign and see my baby taking care from my mom than from a ‘nanny’. I moved back to Puerto Rico with no job and eventually (can’t believe I’m writing this) missing Dubai! I really loved my job and for the entire 9 months pregnancy I felt useless. Obviously I couldn’t work during my pregnancy but knowing that after having my baby I was still going to be unemployed  UGH! I was even more stressed.

Nevertheless, my family and I were so happy! My baby is the first in both families; first grandson, first nephew and first great grandson…and first baby son haha! I did the baby shower in Pilot/Aviation theme. For those who are not related to baby showers:

In some countries, a baby shower is a way to celebrate the expected or delivered birth of a child by presenting gifts to the mother at a party, whereas other cultures host a baby shower to celebrate the transformation of a woman into a mother. The event has different names in different cultures. The term shower is often assumed to mean that the expectant mother is “showered” with gifts. (I have friends that in their culture don’t celebrate baby showers) 🙂

Me and my husband, at our baby shower.

I was so blessed to received lots of gifts and so many diapers that still to date, I don’t have the need to buy diapers nor baby wipes (Note: my baby shower was almost 2 years ago!) I also received baby clothes, toys, books, our family gave us play yards, stroller, cradle and all other bunch of stuffs. My husband’s colleagues made him a surprise by giving him Toys R’ Us gift cards from all his friends that collected money for our baby. I am still, very grateful. I gave birth natural, a beautiful healthy boy, he’s name is Abraham. He weighted 7.12 pounds and measured 22 length. He’s now 1 year with 11 months old and getting bigger! He is one little happy boy, he laughs a lot… almost with anyone!! He’s so attentive and very observant. He loves food! specially sweet plantains and chocolate  (like he’s mom) but he also loves to be breastfeed. If it was from him, he’ll be glued to my chest all day 😀 ! Continue reading “Welcome back”

The beginning of a new phase.

All started one week or so before my second leave. I  had some pre-menstrual symptoms two days before my Washington DC flight: Sore breasts and abdominal pain. I took some Advil Liquid Gels and rested the entire day before my long haul flight. I remember this flight as for it was an awful one. The Economy  SFS/Senior Cabin Crew (which now so-called “Cabin Supervisors”) was arrogant, no personality and no communication towards the crew, above that, it constantly felt like a harassment  from him in our duty time or any time in the flight, following us and giving us tasks when the flight was so light, which was a major factor on a ridiculous 15 hour flight. I made a friend with an American crew, we made ‘american jokes’ jokes that Eastern peeps wouldn’t understand… or even South Americans (sorry, no offense!). She used to replied “Oh, is a USA thang… nevermind you!” to crew that tried to peek-in in our conversations and jokes… at the end they never understood. She made this flight full of laughs, despite of our SFS though.

The flight suddenly became tiresome for me. The first service I couldn’t bare to give out the hot meals, I was so slow and felt double weight  when pushing the carts. The second service I just couldn’t do it. I was double ending with the American girl (which is pushing same cart and serving food with another crew), and I couldn’t stand the smell of the hot meals, it was disgusting. At some point I had to stop doing the service, I had a low-sugar scene. I started to sweat like hell, I had no energy to walk nor stand and dizziness. I sat at the L5 jumpseat (last door of the aircfrat, left side)  took off my jacket and wanted to puke. The girl grabbed some water for me and almost the oxygen bottle, I was so embarrassed. The SFS pulled me out of service and monitored me the next 2 hours. Everyone encouraged me to eat, I couldn’t, the meal was disgusting for me, the smell, everything. Suddenly I was falling asleep in the aft galley, my eyes were red, and wanting a bed so bad until I heard “Kirsy, is your break time, get some rest”. I ran quickly upstairs to the CRC and Continue reading “The beginning of a new phase.”

Liebster Award


Liebster Award

FlyHigh~ has been nominated for the Liebster Award!

What is the Liebster Award?

Liebster Award is a way to recognize new bloggers in the blogosphere. Nominations are done by other bloggers who have read and enjoyed these new blogs.

With that said, thank you to The Part Time Traveller for nominating me for the Liebster Award! I am flattered and honored! Please visit Sodas’ website for more tips of nice and cheap hotels, great cultural experiences and her journey around the world!

  Continue reading “Liebster Award”

October Roster

October Roster

People have been asking me to share my monthly rosters to spice up my blog. I think is a good idea, it gives you a heads up of where I’ll be traveling to, plus you’ll get an example from me of how Main Fleet roster looks like (layover mixed with turnarounds). As for Mainfleeters, our rosters are pretty mixed, sometimes yes, we get a whole month of full turnarounds and of course we also get a whole month of only layovers. I only complain when they give me: ‘ 3 to 4 flights back to back-one day off-3 to 4 flights back to back again’  it’s exhausting! I’ve seen 5 to 7 turnarounds back to back! I don’t know how crew scheduling think this is normal… Anyhow, October is my top bid, therefore I bid and prayed to finally have at least one flight I bid for. Incredibly I got everything! I bid for Prague, is one of my top cities to visit and also Phuket. I have both flights twice for Oct month. I bid also for 4 days off to extend my leave, I got it yeii! The only flight I didn’t get was MCO (Orlando, FL)  but is okay, I’m going home on my leave anyways.  As always they gave me turnarounds but only two and very short, can’t complain. This is my roster table for October:

  • MCT (Muscat turnaround)
  • PRG (Czech Republic layover)
  • PRG (Czech Republic layover) again
  • LEAVE (12 days)
  • +4 days off extra
  • MCT (Muscat turnaround)
  • HKT (Phuket layover)
  • HKT (Phuket layover) again

This month because of my leave and days off, I don’t have that much of flying hours. However, It’s been 10 months I haven’t seen my parents, pets, friends…my island etc. Forget about flying hours, time is precious when it comes to quality time with your loved ones. This will be my first ever leave since I moved to Dubai and I’m freaking excited! I’m planning to still post while i’m at Puerto Rico and to introduce my island for those whom never been to the enchanted island 🙂 . Really looking forward to post pictures of our beautiful beaches and sightseeing and of course sharing my vacations with all of you.


Best Layover, with him.

ed & kirA lot of people have been asking me if I’m still with my boyfriend and how is it going so far. The answer is yes, we are still together, more than ever! I’ve been working a lot with minimum rest days and still trying to swap any flight for a USA flight, so I can spend time with my boyfriend, but it has been almost impossible! Until this month, I had Washington DC. My boyfriend managed to swap his shifts and traveled to Washington just to see me for a 24 hrs layover. I was -or- WE were so excited about finally get to see each other after 4 months.  I really don’t think I should write more about how is our relationship but of how we’ve maintain our relationship. Before that post; a quick stop of how was my best layover, with him.

A lot people called us crazy, pointless, stressful, long distance relationship don’t work, they pity us and so on. For us, we actually don’t care, a 24 hours layover felt like a week. It was precious, time gold, happiness… Continue reading “Best Layover, with him.”

Finally, I have a home.

moving-boxes The past few days have been so rush for me, plus trying to finish my last two posts from my last trips, oh! Not everything is peaches and cream or easy as it seems. Sometimes it’s a little challenging and sometimes difficult when you are even living alone with no family around. Let me start by explaining how was my life when I moved to Dubai that explains my stress these past few days. No drama, but yet so uncomfortable. I’m not talking about the laws and culture of United Arab Emirates, that’s another theme in which I’ve adapted myself pretty good actually. Yet, when you move from your country to start a new life in a foreign one, you want to actually have a home to start on, right? but when you live for almost 6 months in a hotel with no information regarding when you’ll be accommodated, it comes stressful with those who want to have a home…a real one.  Continue reading “Finally, I have a home.”